2015 Fairview Lake Trip

November 12, 2015
The WHHS National Honor Society has selected 30 students to accompany the fifth graders on their exciting trip to Fairview Lake. At Fairview everyone will go on the ridge hike, learn about swamp ecology, owl behavior, wilderness survival, have a campfire, and so much more. Fairview hosts 30,000 people annually, and are open all year long so they are prepared for all types of weather inclinations. The kids and counselors will stay in winterized cabins with bunk-beds, 3-inch mattresses, and clean bathrooms. There is a dining room that the kids will eat in, and a food service director who will accommodate special dietary concerns and will also have snacks if the kids get hungry in between meals.
Like many years in the past the fifth graders look forward to going on the Fairview Lake trip because most of them have never been anywhere without their parents before. NHS director Andrew Poalillo says, “I love the Fairview Lake trip. Experiencing nature is something that everyone should prioritize from time to time- fifth graders, high schoolers, and adults.” Since all three elementary schools will be going together, it is a great way for them to get to know each other in preparation for next year when they will be attending the same middle school. This trip is something that you take with you that all the fifth graders and high schoolers will remember long after, so get involved and have a great time!