Humans of Wayne Hills- James Buttafuoco

November 17, 2015
Wayne Hills is full of people behind the scenes. We know of almost all the teachers but we don’t know of other faculty. Custodians play a major role in keeping our school as wonderful and as presentable as possible. They do so much for us, and it is high time they be recognized for it!
James Buttafuoco is a custodian here and takes so much pride in what he does. His favorite part of working at Wayne Hills would be getting to spend his day around the kids. While there are a few who give the staff a hard time, a vast majority of us are great kids and he loves seeing us all on graduation day in our caps and gowns. Buttafuoco started working at the school in 2005 and became the head custodian in 2008.
His hobbies include anything involving the outdoors. He spends a lot of time on the water fishing or in the woods either hiking or hunting. He also enjoys cooking and is surprisingly good at it.
Surprisingly, He did go to school at Wayne Hills. “I’m not going to tell you what year though. That would take the fun out of seeing how long it takes all of you to figure out when I graduated.”