Students of Today’s Generation Coming Together For #MarchForOurLives

March 28, 2018
The nation was caught by storm from the roaring students who participated in their towns for the March For Our Lives Campaign.
The March For Our Lives campaign was a student-led demonstration in support for tighter gun control. The march took place on Saturday, March 24, 2018, in many cities all over the country. Some include Montclair NJ, Morristown NJ, Washington D.C., and New York City. An estimated 1.2 to 2 million people were in support of the march for tighter gun control in our country, naming the March For Our Lives Campaign one of the biggest protests in American history.
The protest was made for us students to show that we are here and we need tighter control on guns. The protest pushed for universal background checks on all gun sales, raising the federal age of gun possession and ownership to 21 years and older, closing the loophole of gun shows, and a ban on the sale of high-capacity magazines.
Unfortunately, some students were planning on attending the march but ended up not attending due to parental views. Some parents didn’t care if their child attended because they are their own person but some parents did care and overruled their child’s decision on attending the march.
Isabelle Wilders, an 11th grader, was planning on attending the march but ended up not attending due to timing. “I thought the March For Our Lives Campaign was unbelievably successful. The number of diverse people coming together for a unified cause was just incredible. Seeing kids my age becoming successful political activists is truly inspiring. I am so proud to be living in a time where the people of our generation are making so much change” Wilders tells us.
This demonstration wasn’t just about bringing change to our nation or even the world. It was also about coming together as one fighting for daily peace and safety in schools across our beautiful nation.
If you or anyone of your friends or family attended #MarchForOurLives, please let us know by leaving us a comment below.