Senior Health Classes Say “No More!” to Domestic Violence
January 16, 2018
The Senior health classes kicked off the new year by saying “No more!” to domestic violence.
During the first week back from Christmas break, the Seniors were given a large project that required them to create a poster and a two-minute video supporting the No More Campaign to end domestic violence and sexual assault. The No More Campaign, according to its official website, is “dedicated to ending domestic violence and sexual assault by increasing awareness, inspiring action, and fueling culture change.” The campaign’s logo, attempting to emulate the equal sign for LGBT rights, aims to become an “overarching, unifying symbol to express universal support for ending domestic violence and sexual assault,” according to their website.
Hills’ health department adopted the campaign after deciding that raising awareness about the dangers and consequences of poisonous relationships and sexual assault is important for Hills students, particularly Seniors, who are more likely to experience these things.
The No More Campaign is especially relevant in the current social climate, as the #MeToo campaign against sexual assault continues its unrelenting sweep through Hollywood.
Many teachers and students recognize the importance of raising awareness for the No More Campaign.
“Of course it’s important,” says Senior Rebecca Jalowicz. “I’m actually glad we had that video project, because if we didn’t, then I feel like I still wouldn’t [understand] the reality of domestic violence today.”
Band conductor Matthew Paterno also supports promoting the No More Campaign in Senior health classes.
“Abusive relationships are actually everywhere, and they need to be stopped. The issue is the lack of education about how to handle it and what to do about it. Adding the campaign [to the Senior Health curriculum] not only stops future domestic violence from happening, but it opens many teenager’s eyes to what someone’s reality can be like.”
All Hills students and faculty are strongly encouraged to help put an end to domestic violence and sexual assault.
No More violence. No More assault. No More fear. No More.
The No More Campaign’s website has information for anyone who suspects someone else is in danger or needs help themselves. If you are in immediate danger, call 911.