Anna Killian
Members of the class of 2021 say they’ve adjusted successfully to high school as the mid-year approaches.
Freshman year, particularly its first marking period, is a time of simple mistakes and learning; additionally, with the introduction of personal Chromebooks this year, the 9th graders are experiencing something entirely new to Wayne Hills, meaning that both they and their teachers are undergoing a transition.
Some Freshman said that they made mistakes over the course of the first marking period, but they have used these mistakes to make meaningful changes to how they approach high school.
Ninth-grader, Paige Speziale says, “I need to pay more attention during class and take notes while my teacher is talking.”
Speziale’s friend, Paige O’Loughlin agreed, adding, “Studying a lot more than I have been and listening to what the teacher tells me to remember is what I need to do differently. Too often, my teachers have told me what I need to know and I assumed I would remember or that it didn’t really matter. Now I know not to take quizzes, tests, and even notes so lightly.”
While many freshmen agree they have to change their habits and keep up with the new amount of work they have, plenty have said they don’t need to change. “I got really good grades this marking period and I don’t plan on changing anything. Hopefully, I can keep up the good work,” says Dina Ayoub.