Dancing Our Way Into Another SDA Season
2017 Maroon Aero Captains Veronica Gail (left) & Katelyn Apa (right) performing their solo.
November 26, 2017
As the second marking period comes rolling in, another SDA season has come once again.
The 2018 Student Dance Association (SDA) has returned for another terrific season. SDA kicked off the season with the Freshman Previews. Maroon Team previews were on November 14th and White Team previews were on November 15th. Both teams did an amazing job on their previews and all returning and incoming dancers are very excited to get the practices started. Aisha is a dancer for the Maroon team and participated in the club for a total of four years. Matthew is a dancer for the White team. He has participated in the club this past year and plans on participating in the upcoming season. He is also the only male dancer involved in the club.
We spoke to some of the captains from both teams to see what their expectations were for the season as well as what they were looking forward to. From the White team, Morgan Ritsema, Tap Captain, told us what she was hoping for the season. Ritsema says, “I’m expecting to have fun this season, and hoping for a good white team outcome. I’m looking forward to performing all the shows and the week of the show.” We also spoke to the White Jazz Captain, Nicolette Ricciotti. Ricciotti says, “As a captain, I expect everyone to focus and pay attention during practice this season. Because we lost last year, we need to have our game faces on and try our hardest. We should also have fun, although winning is important, enjoying ourselves is the main goal. I’m looking forward to the first day of practice. That is always so exciting because we get to meet the new members. I am also excited for the shows, of course. Those are some of the best days of the year!”
From the Maroon team, Katelyn Apa, an Aerobics Captain as well as the first place winner of last years show said, “I am really looking forward to meeting all of my girls and having an amazing season. My goal of this season is put on an amazing performance and have the time of our lives while doing it.” Yoly Bermudez, one of the Relay Captains on Maroon says “I cannot wait to compete and be in charge of the relays on the last night of SDA. My co-captain and I have a lot planned for the girls.”
SDA is an exciting beginning for many, but sadly, an ending for some. The group offers a chance to make strong relationships for the dancers and unbreakable bonds as the two teams treat one another like family. The dancers are hoping for a friendly, yet competitive season and cannot wait for it to begin!