Demi is “Confident”

November 17, 2015
Demi Lovato debuts her first full-length album, which was released via Safehouse Records. Her album is titled “Confident” because Lovato had a rough past that made this album extremely special to her. She suffered from depression and was unable to be happy with herself. Lovato overcame her depression and is now able to love herself which was a big moment in Lovato’s career
“I’m wanting to share that with the world and showing everyone how you can go from being very insecure with body image issues to feeling so proud of your body that you want to show it to the world” said Lovato in an interview with Billboard magazine.
“Demi’s a big role model for a lot of people and her new album Confident helps her fans feel a little bit better about themselves knowing that she overcame her depression and they can too” said senior Marisa Scialla.
“To watch Demi overcome her sickness is really inspiring and helps other fans feel as if they can overcome it too” said senior Nicole Maniaci.
Confident has over 17 million viewers watched on youtube. This is a big change in Lovato’s career and her fans are supporting her every step of the way.